ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2015

The standard covers all aspects an organisation’s activities, including: identifying its key processes, defining roles and responsibilities, its policies & objectives, risk and opportunities and documentation requirements. It also covers the importance of understanding & meeting customer requirements, satisfaction and communication, resource requirements. Product & process planning, design processes, purchasing, production & service, monitoring and measurement of products & processes, internal audit, management review, and improvement processes.

ISO 9001 is based on the following eight Quality Management Principles, which are incorporated within the requirements of the standard, and can be applied to improve organizational performance:

- Customer focus,
- Leadership
- Engagement of people
- Process approach
- Improvement
- Evidence basis decision making
- Relationship management
- Continual improvement
- Factual decision-making approach
- Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

Why take ISO 9001:2015 Certification??

- Increases the reputation of the company.
- Demonstrates the commitment to quality and customer satisfaction
- Improves internal communications, efficiency and resilience of change
- Provides Marketing advantage· increased business
- Improves efficiency and profitability
- Increases customer satisfaction
- Documents system provides useful reference
- Enables the organisation to become more cost effective
- Improves records in case of litigation
- Responsibilities of personnel clearly defined
- Improves control during periods of change or growth
- Improves performance from suppliers
WHO WE ARE?Al Tair Quality Services LLC
TQS is a world-wide provider of auditing and certification services. Our in-depth knowledge of regulatory compliance around the world and our highly experienced auditors provide you with a fast, efficient service.
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